Monday, May 20, 2013

What a Whirlwind!

The past week and a bit has been absolutely crazy. I have no idea where the time has gone but I hope it continues to pass quickly... I'm in London Heathrow Airport for 10 hours. So now I will take this time to catch up on all that has happened!

On Thursday (May 16 I believe) Max and I met up with my Uncle Jim and Carole at Andaaz Fashions in St. Vital to pick up my saree. I had been so excited to get it... waiting 10 days was so hard! It seems there is always someone in that store, but I was helped right away by Sukmeet. We went to the change room and she gave me the blouse to try on. It is gorgeous, but wow it is different than anything I've ever worn! It is basically like a crop-top with hooks in the front (like a button up) and a beautiful tie and tassel going over the back. It was unbelievably tight (perhaps due to the Starbucks I had been indulging in) so I asked Sukmeet if she could 'let it out' because I saw some extra fabric sewn in. She said that it is supposed to be tight and that if I have it any looser that the shoulders would fall off and it wouldn't look right. I definitely don't want to look 'wrong' so I kept it. Speaking of shoulders, there are even buttons on the inside of the blouse to attach your bra straps to so they don't show. They've got this down to an art! Anyways, Sukmeet helped me assemble it and kind of taught me how to make the pleats, but unfortunately I still haven't really got the hang of it. I'm sure my host family will help me to learn. Everyone seemed really pleased with how it looks, especially me! I am so happy with it, I had even worn it around the house a couple times. I think I might convert to sarees.... ;) Below are some pictures courtesy of Carole of the final product!

Later in the week (I guess that would be Friday) I received a package in the mail from Abby all the way from Latrobe, PA. It was so exciting to receive a package (I'm happy to get anything other than bills!) and it was loaded with goodies. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture to add here, but I can list off everything... A journal with two cute pens, a book about world travels (I have yet to dive in...), a kit of travel sized bottles, ankle socks, sticky notes, and perhaps something else... I feel like I'm missing something, but perhaps not. I definitely have those goodies packed with me. It was super nice to receive a gift like that, thank you so much, Abby!

Basically I started packing on Friday and just loaded my suitcase with stuff. What do you pack for 3 months?! That's what I really struggled with, but I settled on:
-3 skirts (plus my saree)
-3 capris/harem pants
-5+ shirts
-about a week's worth of undergarments
-the basic toiletries to get me by until I arrive and can buy some (like shampoo and lotion etc), toilet paper and more.
-a hat
-sunscreen, bug repellant, a first aid kit, general pills such as Tylenol
-lots of hair scrunchies and bobby pins as well as hair bands!!
-the gifts I had bought
-other such things

My carry on includes what feels like all the heavy stuff. I have a change of clothes, my laptop, iPod, phone, camera, snacks, travel toiletries. I also have a memory foam travel pillow that Max bought me as a parting gift. Unfortunately I was a little ambitious and over-filled some of the containers. Lotion leaked out and my perfume did too. Luckily it was only a little perfume because it is so strong. It drenched only my wallet (as far as I can tell) but have since rinsed out my travel kit and put the perfume in a separate plastic bag. I am getting a headache from it, so I hope the smell is contained!

Saturday night I went out with Max and his family for his birthday dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant called Viva (at Sargent and Young). It was really nice to see his (big) family one last time and talk about my trip. His siblings seemed genuinely interested and I was happy to share what I know, which I am realizing isn't really much at all. Max's mother gave me a lovely gift for my belated birthday and graduation. It included a journal, mug, sock monkey key chain (on my luggage!), a leather rabbit head coin purse, and a fan. It was such a kind gesture, and being treated to dinner was super touching as well. One of Max's brothers also got me a red velvet cupcake (which I ate for breakfast the next day). It was so sweet to have everyone there and wish me well. I hugged pretty much everyone I think. I am going to miss those big gatherings... but I'll be back in time for the ones that matter, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. :)

Max came over on Sunday before he had to work to say goodbye. It was really hard and I was just a blubbering mess... In fact, my eyes are still red and puffy! I think it was best to do it in private at my house because I was just a disaster. I got my composure and then watched the Bruins/Rangers game with my family, said goodbye to my sister who was leaving for work, and then left for the airport. The next thing that happened was wild.

On the way to the airport my family stopped in at Dollarama so that I could buy some gum and trail mix. We were all a bit anxious I think so we left a few minutes earlier than planned. We arrived at the airport with tons of time together and planned on having dinner together while waiting to go through security. When I got to the Air Canada kiosk and began a self-check in a woman rushed up to me and confirmed my identity. She told me my flight to Toronto was late and I'd miss my connection. I made it just before the cut off for a flight to Toronto that was getting ready to board as I arrived in the airport. My mom and dad and I really rushed and didn't really get to say a decent 'goodbye' which was sad. We all were teary and said "This isn't how I imagined this going, I thought we'd have more time." Luckily I only shed a few tears and made my way through security just fine. I ran to the opposite end for the gate I was departing out of because I thought I heard my name called on the intercom. I ran all the way and handed by boarding pass to the lady at the gate desk. She told me they hadn't even started boarding yet and I could relax. Thank goodness! I was hungry and teary and just a mess. I went to Tim's and then the bathroom (probably could have done the opposite) and spilled my iced cap on the counter because I was in a rush. Luckily it wasn't a lot. That was the last thing I needed... my comfort food getting ruined!

I was in the middle seat on the 2.5 hour flight to Toronto. The man to my right seemed interesting.. I said I was in the seat next to him (so he'd let me in) and he said "Ok, I don't dispute that". And the woman beside me was overweight and was half sitting on my leg for a part of the flight. Oh well. In Toronto I made it to my gate with plenty of time to spare. It was the same gate I took to London on the Holy Land Tour last year. Kind of cool. (Tons of changes to that area of the terminal by the way!) I watched "An Idiot Abroad" starring Karl Pilkington. If I were a man, I'd be him. He is a hoot and gets sent on these wild adventures. You'll have to see it. But then I started realizing, "Oh my goodness, that's going to be me... Carrying on conversations in English with people who have no idea what I'm saying, eating strange things... but also having experiences of a lifetime." I then boarded for London.

The flight to London was not packed, maybe 2/3 full. It was about a 7 hour flight and I barely slept. I watched "The Campaign" with Will Ferrell and Zach Galifinakis and it was decent. Not my favourite, but it passes the time (and frees up space on my computer because now I can delete it!). We had a chicken and veggies meal with some amazing chocolate mousse for dessert (though not as amazing as Max's!). For breakfast we had a carrot muffin and orange juice. It was a little dry, but it was good. The orange juice stung my throat... I think I'm getting sick (grrrreeeeeaaaattttt) because my throat feels weird and my voice barely comes out. I really hope it passes because I don't need this! Well, I can deal with losing my voice, but a head cold NO! So I pray this turns out to be nothing.

Now I wait until 8:20ish to board my flight to Colombo. It's 1:30pm here. 7 hours. I'm going to wander around, eat, and come back on the computer once I find a power source... Pictures to come very soon!

Until.... later today?

1 comment:

  1. Wow sweetie! You need to find a little hidey-hole and curl up and nap. Don't try and burn the candle at both ends.
    Heathrow sounds like a zoo. I'm glad you are getting fed along the way. Saves a little $$$.
    I'm loving this blog really helps to envision all your comings and goings.
    You are excellent at staying in touch.... so far :)
    Hope that throat thing is just from plane air being so dry.
    LOVE YOU!!
