Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Made It!

After 10.5 hours on the plane from London, I have finally made it! The plane was kind of funny... there were TV channels with movies and Hindi shows but if you selected them, you joined in where ever it was playing. I jumped in at the end of Silver Linings Playbook. But they also had video games on the plane and the remote you used to choose channels (you heard me, remote) became a controller. So I played Galaktor (like Space Invaders) and made it to level 52. Like a boss! I also played checkers, reversi, and pac man. I played a lot of spider solitaire on my iPod. A lot. I couldn't really sleep I was so excited. One thing that was pretty cool was that everything on the plane is free! Alcohol, snacks, sandwiches, meals, etc. Awesome! The food (even plane food) was delicious and the variety of fruit is outstanding. I had pieces of orange, grape, cantaloupe, honeydew, pineapple and mango in my breakfast! That came with a mixed vegetable string hopper which was spicy but oh so good!! It was like angel hair pasta (but made of rice flour) shopped into tiny pieces with bits of carrot and peppers in it. For dinner I had a marinated lemon fish with lyonaisse glazed potatoes. The salad was mini raw shrimps with two melon balls of honeydew and cantaloupe sprinkled with dill. It was an interesting combination but not bad. We also got 'refresher towels' to wipe our hands and face. The stewardesses were beautiful in matching aqua sarees with peacock feathers on them. They always had a smile on their face.

My first view of Sri Lanka was ocean and palm trees. It is beautiful here... palm trees every where. It's 31 with a light breeze. There is hustle and bustle everywhere.. kind of a sensory overload right now. Maybe i'm in shock, I'm not sure. All of a sudden I'm exhausted. I got a taxi to my hotel and just had a shower. Now i'm lying down and going to try to nap, I was so excited I guess it prevented me from sleeping. I have the same driver arranged to come and pick me up at 12:45am to take me back to the airport. I am SO glad I booked this room. I was so smelly and greasy... this is a really good thing!  I can hear birds chirping (lots of honking too!). I am excited to get back here and dive into the culture and learn more. For example, a giant statue of buddha greeted me in the airport... I'm excited to see more! The people here are very nice (and brown... I stick out BIG TIME). I'm loving how people seem easy going and like "yeah! help yourself! take what you want!" yet busy with life. I'm actually kind of sad to leave without even exploring. But nepal should be great! I'm excited to experience my first week away with some amazing friends. That should really make things easier.

One interesting thing was that one man noticed me eating fast and hunched over, and that I kind of stand that way too.  He said it's not bad posture but that my head is heavy with lots of thoughts and worries and that's why my head comes forward and down. Interesting. Definitely a different take on it.

I also noticed the infamous Indian head waggle! Just youtube it! It's funny, but everything I say gets a head waggle, which apparently means 'yes I understand' or 'ok'. I've got to practice my head waggle!

From what I have experienced so far... I think I'm going to love it here!


  1. Laura, I love reading over your adventures! Be sure to keep in the habit of updating things regularly :) Besides, when your done, you can even have your blog published into a memory book/scrapbook, for a really reasonable cost! Best wishes in your travelling! Desiree :)

  2. Love this happy update!!
    I hope you had a great nap and you're refreshed for the next leg of your journey!

  3. Hey sweetie!

    Hope you have a short and enjoyable 3 flights tonight!! Sounds like you're having an amazing time right now!

    Hopefully you'll have free Internet access along your journey. I'll have Skype with me anywhere I go!

    Stay safe and have fun!

