Saturday, May 11, 2013

Flight Map

I finally got around to it. What, you might ask? I made a ghetto map of my flight so people can actually picture where the heck I'm stopping along the way to, from, and during my trip. So, here it is below... Shoddily labeled and with super lame lines and unequal arrows. Don't even judge. I'm proud. ;)

My stops are as follows..

Winnipeg, Canada-Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada-London, England
London, England-Colombo, Sri Lanka

-Rest One Night-

Colombo, Sri Lanka-Chennai, India
Chennai, India-Mumbai, India
Mumbai, India-Kathmandu, Nepal

-Spend 8 Days in Kathmandu, Nepal-

Kathmandu, Nepal-Mumbai, India
Mumbai, India-Colombo, Sri Lanka

-Do My Practicum (12 Weeks)-

Colombo, Sri Lanka-London, England
London, England-Montreal, Canada
Montreal, Canada-Winnipeg, Canada.

Hope this helps! Also, what kind of things would you like to see me post about here while on my trip? Specifics? General?


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