Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Last night I went to bed late after Skyping with my mom and my sister (and Eli) for about 30 minutes and Max for a short while also. It was great to see my mom and Beth for the first time since leaving. It was nice to talk and hear their voices and show them my room and let them see how I'm doing. I hope to do it again soon!

I went to bed late and woke up at 8:00am, as has been the routine lately. At least I'm in a routine! I'm feeling a lot better today, although my head has been pounding. I think it's because of my sunburn and maybe pushing myself made me sick. I'm definitely not Wonder Woman. I had some toast and later some home made mac and cheese. I just hung out at the house until lunch time when Christie came home. We went out to Cloud Factory for lunch, an organization started by Christie's cousin. I was still full so I just waited and then we carried on to the daycare together.

The walk to the daycare was really nice as we passed fields and nice houses. The view from the daycare was of more fields and the mountains. It was gorgeous. There was about 30-40 kids waiting for us and all greeted us with a "Namaste" and waving. It was adorable! We meandered through all the kids and went into the main room which was about 10x10. It was cramped!

We started out by playing musical chairs (we did 3 rounds as there weren't enough chairs for students) and then began a reading of Jesus and Zacchaeus, who had to climb a tree to see Jesus as he was walking through the crowds. So we talked about what it feels like to be the odd one out or not be able to take part in something special. After, the students colored what they think it would be like to have Jesus in their home as Zacchaeus did.

Next we learned two songs. One was "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and the other was "Sally the Camel". The kids were super adorable and were wearing matching blue uniforms. They didn't really know English so it was good to kind of teach them body parts with the first song. They were all fascinated with us and smiled at me and wanted to touch me and show me their drawings. It was adorable.

Near the end of the day we helped the kids tuck in their shirts and look nice again for their parents upon pick-up. I gave the kids high-fives and they seemed to love it as they each gave me like a bajillion of them. They said "bye bye" and waved to us as they left with their mothers. It was a great day.

I give total credit to Christie for planning this day and her lesson was great. I helped pass out paper to color on but that was it! It was a great time and I had a nice day. I'm glad I could have taken part in it.

I'm still figuring out what tomorrow may bring. Keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    So glad your time at the daycare went well. See, those summers working at Westwood came in handy. Did you hand out any postcards? :) Nothing cures not feeling well like home made mac and cheese and a convo from home! Keep up the posts...they are fascinating!
    Aunty Nean
