Thursday, June 06, 2013

Larry the Lizard and a Lightning Bug

I began my day with Mangala asking if I was up and coming to breakfast. She is very nice and works in the office. She also is very young... Maybe late 20s, early 30s? Turns out my iPod (which has my alarm on it) was about 20 minutes slow! No wonder why I've had a couple close calls with arriving on time.. or late! Derp!

I talked to Beth briefly because I was now in a rush to get to breakfast and talk to Bandula before starting my work. She told me about some news in her life and asked if things had gotten better for me. I really appreciated her initiative in writing me and I wish we could chat more often. :( She is busy with a one week intensive orthodontics course (Beth- correct me if I'm wrong) and is studying a lot for it. I want her to do real well, so I'm not even going to distract her for a minute! Good luck with everything, Beth!

As usual, I had bread for breakfast. It's unreal here. It must be homemade because it is thick cut (like an inch thick!) and super fluffy. It's delish! Unfortunately there were bananas again, so I didn't get fruit. I am hoping to go shopping this weekend and hopefully buy some more fruits and snacks for my room, outings, and just in case I don't like something at the canteen. Bananas seem to be ultra popular here, so it's nice to have an orange or apple stowed away. Lately they have been serving watermelon too, which is quite nice.

Bandula arranged for me to visit the Peace/Meditation Center (Vishva Niketan) tomorrow. I am interested in their philosophy and the work they do. From what I understand, they believe that enduring peace can only be attained when we reach a state of inner peace. Their holistic approach focuses on inward and outward peace and healing the mind, environment and society around us. They offer some programs that interest me. One includes the Prison Programme that brings inmates to Vishva Niketan to explore inner healing and transformation through meditation. It has gotten great reviews and the testimonies left by prisoners seem great. I want to learn more about it and perhaps interview some of the convicts. Another program offered is the Holistic Approach to Motherhood Programme which hopes to promote the spiritual, mental, and physical health of the unborn baby, the mother, and 'prospective' father. I'm not sure what the reviews of this program is like, but with apparently many young expectant mothers in the program, I'm interested to see how this may change their situation, if at all. If you'd like to read more about Vishva Niketan check out their page:

I then went to Suwasetha (Nutrition Center) and was with the babies all day as they were short staffed. Due to this factor, I was running around and doing all sorts of work I hadn't really done before. I was sweating the whole time. Plus, it was hot, humid, and heavy outside. The Nutrition Center is pretty much open-air and only has ceiling fans to cool things down. Throughout the day I just changed 'nappies' and played with the kids. I helped bottle feed newborns, and spoon feed babies. I also did other tasks of sweeping and closing curtains to keep the place cool. It was a basic day. Every day is pretty much the same routine, but there is always a child in need of love and attention. I was changing one baby and I laid her down to change her but then I realised I had to grab a 'nappie'. I walked 10 ft away (literally 5 seconds) and she rolled off the bench and onto the floor... Instant tears and crying. Luckily no one saw and she calmed down right away when I picked her up and changed her. I put her in her crib and put the mosquito net on. She was quiet and fell asleep. Hopefully she doesn't end up having a bruise and then I have to explain what happened. It's so embarrassing and I feel terrible! I just never thought in 5 seconds she would roll from the middle of the bench, off the bench, and on to the floor. Luckily it was only about 1.5ft off the ground... but still, it was terrifying.

I had dinner with my friend Erandi, and then showered and spent some time in my room. I just got off Skype with my mom for about an hour and a bit. Unfortunately I couldn't see or hear her despite her having the webcam plugged in. She could see and hear me though. If anyone knows what's up with this, I'd appreciate your help!

More quick points:
-Larry, the lizard who frequents my room, is back. And the past two nights I've spent my time falling asleep with a blinking lightning bug dancing around. It's a bright yellow/green.
-I have tried jackfruit today, which just tasted like a banana to me. It also had salt and pepper on it, which made it even less desirable.
-I am getting used to very short, freezing showers. It's never easy, but at least I'm getting used to it.
-I did some laundry by hand and it has taken about 24 hours to dry. I'm not sure if that's a lot... but it feels like a lot!
-I have random white dots on my arms and around my eyes, perhaps milia? I am sweaty a lot and wipe my forehead on my arms where these white spots are. Milia and sweat are linked apparently. It looks like a skin condition. Or where a sunburn has peeled away.
-I sing random songs to the babies because no one speaks English. No one knows I'm singing 'Pretty Woman", "Somebody to Love", and even "Little Town"- the opener from Beauty and the Beast.

As I mentioned earlier, tomorrow I tour Vishva Niketan and will let you all know what I learn. I will bring my camera and hopefully take some more pictures... I really haven't been doing enough of that lately.

I hope you all have a great day!


  1. I'm so glad things are getting better!! Larry the Lizard reminds me of Spikey and Stripey, the huge iguanas from Puerto Rico. I hope everything continues to stay awesome/get even better. love you!

  2. "Somebody to love" by Queen???? You crack me up!!
    I'm sure every second those babies lay in your arms is heaven to them.
    Mom xoxo
