Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The Last Days

First of all, I apologize for my lack of updating. That's just not cool.

I spend my last week in Sri Lanka buying last minute gifts for my family and friends. I didn't want to do that, but sometimes you have to wait to buy things (spices) or you realize you got 2 things for your mom and only 1 for your dad. True story.

I remember going to Galle Face Green after some extensive shopping with Maia and Tudor. We had bought some kites on the beach and just spent some time on this beautiful promenade beside the ocean. The kites were each about $2.00. I got a 'winky face' kite, Maia got a striped kite, and Tudor got a Superman kite. I think Superman spent only minutes of the hour+ that we were there. He wasn't so 'super'. There were some kids watching us with their mother close by so I went to the vendor I bought my kite at and bought them one. They were super excited and all wanted to fly it at the same time. It was really cute and they all thanked me in their broken English.

After getting very windblown on the green we had dinner on the promenade. It was just a food stand with plastic tables and chairs around it. Very simple, but the view from this candle lit table was the sunset over the Indian Ocean. And since we are so close to the equator it sets in minutes... maybe seconds! There was also a strange horse walking up and down the promenade taking kids for little rides. I had a dish that was super spicy. I didn't end up eating more than 1/3 of it, but spicy does that to me... makes me feel full. They also provided us with a bowl and water for washing our hands before and after eating. Nice touch. Here was the legendary moment when Maia 'proposed' to me. We were both talking about how this food stand had such a romantic atmosphere and would be perfect for a proposal. Then and there is where it happened. People were watching as we were hootin' and hollerin' about it all. It was funny.

From the beachfront we migrated to a pub that was super sketchy and on some side street. It was cloudy with smoke. None of us got a good vibe so we left. We made two stops after that at Inn on the Green and another pub where we had some drinks and played cards. There was even a singer at one! It was a fun way to unwind. We ended up waiting a long time for a bus that got us home at who knows what hour. It was pretty late and a little sketchy, but since we were in a group I felt safer. I think that evening I probably crashed. It was a crazy day.

I don't remember much of what happened after that except for a series of goodbyes from the Nutrition Center and the Children's Rights Movement. They each gave me little tokens of their appreciation which was really touching. I have the contact information from these people. I want to stay in touch. I hope we do.

The night I was leaving we all stayed up and played cards. I think we were all laughing because we all reeked. It was funny. Maia helped me pack in the day... Oh my gosh is she a lifesaver! I had mountains of things practically taking up a whole bed. But somehow she made it work. I had extremely heavy luggage that Tudor helped me bring to the main floor.

It was early on August 27 when I headed to the airport. Maia was up so she said goodbye to me as I got in the Sarvodaya van. It was bittersweet. I definitely knew I would miss her company. But I also definitely knew I was going to be home the next day.

So, in the pitch black, dead of night, we pulled out of headquarters down to Galle Road. The familiar road I traveled the country on was finally leading me home.